เทศกาลท่องเที่ยวทุ่งทานตะวัน ปี 2551-2552

เทศกาลท่องเที่ยวทุ่งทานตะวัน จังหวัดสระบุรี ประจำปี 2551 เริ่มแล้ว โดยภายในwebsit ประกอบได้ด้วย การเดินทางเที่ยวทุ่งทานตะวัน โดยทางรถยนต์ และทางรถไฟ กำหนดการทุ่งทานตะวันบาน สถานที่ท่องเที่ยวใกล้เคียง จุดชมทุ่งทานตะวัน เขื่อนป่าสัก

The festival celebrates the four month sunflower season where thousands of acres of farmland grow golden with the happy sunflower faces. As the flowers bloom in the lush soils of the district, cool breezes waft across the volcanic plains from the mountains nearby and the gentle motion of the sunflowers makes for a poetic and picturesque scene that shouldn't be missed.
Saraburi is certainly among the list of first tourist destinations from Bangkok and it can be done in a single day. It is an ancient town, housing the Lord Buddha’s footprint which makes this province a worthwhile place to visit.

ท่านสามารถตรวจสอบ บริเวณที่ทานตะวันบาน ดูแผนที่การไปทุ่งทานตะวัน ทั้งทางรถไฟ และทางรถยนต์ ได้ที่ blog นี้ครับ

วันจันทร์ที่ 15 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Sunflower oil boost to car future

Sunflower oil boost to car future
By Richard Black
BBC science correspondent

Sunflowers, BBC
The new process only produces a small amount of carbon dioxide
UK scientists have developed a process for making hydrogen from sunflower oil which could prove an important future source of eco-friendly energy.

A University of Leeds team says the development could make hydrogen-powered vehicles a more realistic proposition.

The researchers envision a small unit inside a car that would pull hydrogen out of the oil to drive a fuel cell.

The team has presented details of its research to the annual meeting of the American Chemical Society.

The production of hydrogen from biomass and bio-oils represents a realistic renewable source
Dr Andrew Moss
As petroleum supplies gradually dwindle and the impacts of global warming become more pressing, the arguments in the eyes of some people for moving from an oil-based economy to one based on hydrogen become more and more persuasive.

But making hydrogen can be expensive - and with some methods will produce as much greenhouse gas as oil-burning itself.

Expensive gear

"The production of hydrogen from biomass and bio-oils represents a realistic renewable source," said Dr Andrew Moss, a member of the research team at Leeds.

"This particular process could enable hydrogen to be produced from vegetable-oil-derived materials by either stationary fuel processors, or even on-board processors in fuel-cell cars."

These cars of the future would have a tank full of sunflower oil, or some other bio-oil, that would be turned into hydrogen as you drove along. The hydrogen would power the fuel-cell motor - the gas being combined with oxygen in the cell to produce electricity and water.

The Leeds method does produce some carbon dioxide, but growing more sunflowers absorbs it again from the air.

The process employs nickel and carbon-based catalysts to orchestrate a chain of chemical reactions that ultimately liberate the gas from the hydrocarbon molecules that make up the oil.

The Leeds team has shown the technology can work, and believes it can be miniaturised to the scale necessary for in-car use.

"Instead of using hydrogen storage on the vehicle you would use a conventional liquid [bio-]fuel," said Dr Moss. "This takes away one of the problems of hydrogen storage."

An uncompressed hydrogen gas fuel tank that contained a store of energy equivalent to a petrol tank would be more than 3,000 times bigger than its conventional cousin - which makes this latest approach attractive.

But many obstacles remain before the sunflower car becomes reality - not least the cost.

The process uses some moderately expensive materials, and in the short term, petrol will certainly remain the cheaper option.

ที่มา news.bbc.co.uk

Dancer ดอกทานตะวัน

Hotels Thailand

Google Maps for Thailand Hotels - HotelThailand News

Google MapGoogle MapGoogle Map

It's time to clean up those off-scale hotel maps!

Google MapHotelThailand recently launched Google Maps, a free web mapping application provided by Google that powers many map-based services and embedded maps on our website via the Google Maps API. It offers precise street maps and hotel locator for destinations in Thailand. Interative maps are already implemented in some of the country's most popular tourist cities such as Bangkok, Phuket, Krabi and Chiang Mai where majority of our customers make a booking request.

So how does it work? We simply integrate Google Maps into our website with our own data points. The high quality Google Maps will appear under "Interactive Map" on the Hotel Overview section where customer can find the exact location of the selected hotel. Price and traveler rating of nearby hotels within the same neighbourhood can be compared by just putting a mouse over each hotel icon to view the essential details. The interactive map can be zoomed in so building and street names can be read or zoomed out so other areas can be viewed. For mountain and beach destinations, the surrounded geographical features will also be displayed on the maps to provide accurate information and help customers plan their vacation better.

So far, HotelThailand already implemented Google Maps on the following Thailand destinations;
Koh Lanta
Phi Phi Islands
Phang Nga
Chiang Mai
Koh Chang (Trat)

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